What is self-authorship?

It is the crucial internal process of developing and refining your own foundational beliefs, identity, and social relations based on your own choices, rather than simply imitating the beliefs and values of those around you.

It’s a lifelong process – or it should be.

Authoring a book can be a deeply introspective and transformative process that allows you to learn more about yourself in several ways:

Self-reflection: Writing a book often involves exploring personal experiences, beliefs, and emotions. Through this process, you may find yourself reflecting on your own values, priorities, and life choices. This self-reflection can lead to a deeper understanding of who you are and what matters to you.

Clarity of thought: Organising your thoughts and ideas into a coherent narrative requires you to clarify your own understanding of the subject matter. This process can bring to light any inconsistencies or gaps in your knowledge, prompting you to seek further understanding and refine your perspectives.

Exploring personal history: Writing a book may involve delving into personal history, whether it’s autobiographical or draws on personal experiences. This exploration can uncover forgotten memories, emotions, or patterns of behaviour, providing you with a clearer understanding of your past and how it has shaped you.

Facing challenges: The process of writing can be challenging, and authors often encounter obstacles such as writer’s block, self-doubt, or the need to revise and edit. Overcoming these challenges requires resilience and self-discovery, allowing you to tap into your inner strengths and learn how you respond to adversity.

Articulating values and beliefs: When you articulate your thoughts and beliefs in writing, you may find yourself gaining a deeper awareness of your values and principles. This process can be a form of self-examination, helping you clarify your convictions and understand the underlying motivations behind your ideas.

Connecting with readers: As authors share their perspectives and stories, they may receive feedback from readers who resonate with their work. This interaction can provide valuable insights into how others perceive your ideas and, in turn, offer you a different perspective on your thoughts and experiences.

Creativity and self-expression: Creating a book allows authors to express themselves creatively. The choices you make in terms of style, tone, and content can reveal aspects of your personality and artistic sensibilities, leading to a better understanding of your unique voice and creative identity.

In essence, the journey of authoring a book is not just about producing a written work; it’s also a profound exploration of the self. The process encourages self-discovery, growth, and a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.


Bev Ryan is a certified non-fiction book coach (including memoir with a message) and book production manager, working with accomplished and interesting people as they write and self-publish their best non-fiction books.

As a former career coach as well, Bev is excited to work with women who appreciate and embrace the self-authorship that comes with book authorship – even when it feels a little shaky. 

Are you procrastinating or stuck in the planning or writing stages? Contact Bev to find out how she can help you with your book, and your publishing choices.